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How to Integrate MIYN with Outlook Calendar

< 1 min read

1. Log in to using your username and password. #

Log in to using your username and password

2. Navigate to Settings. #

Navigate to Settings.


3. Select Staff #

Select Straff

4. Click on the Edit icon next to the staff member you want to sync #

Click on the Edit icon next to the staff member you want to sync

5. Choose Outlook Sync. #

Choose Outlook Sync.

6. You will be redirected to Microsoft authentication. Select your Microsoft account and continue. Ensure you check Select All to grant MIYN the necessary permissions, then proceed.

redirected to Microsoft authentication on miyn

7. Your connected Outlook email will be displayed here. #

Your connected Outlook email will be displayed here

That’s it! Your MIYN account is now synced with Outlook Calendar.

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